
A very mundane Blip, taken while out delivering election leaflets.

By coincidence, the retiring councillor whose picture is on the front of the leaflets was (like me) at the Ecology Centre's AGM in the evening. I'd really gone along to hear the speaker - broadcaster and author Lesley Riddoch. She was heavily involved in the community buyout of Eigg and I'll be visiting the island at the end of the month.

Unless it's windy of course, in which case the ferry can't get there... it only sails 3 times in the week anyway during winter months. More on that later (hopefully).

On the day's big political news... first, democracy does not appear anywhere on the UK government's agenda so who knows what will happen next. Second, do not believe anything you see, hear or read in the UK media about Scotland. Assume the opposite to be true and you'll be right 95% of the time. 

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