
By HaxSyn


There is one sure sign that summer is drawing to an end and that is the fireworks at the end of the Edinburgh International Festival. This year I was lucky enough to get a couple tickets for access to the Princes Street Gardens. The fireworks can be seen and enjoyed from all over Edinburgh and clearly seen miles away but it doesn't really compare to being in the Gardens. The Scottish Chamber Orchestra play live in the Ross Bandstand and the fireworks are choreographed to the music, although we didn't have a direct view of the orchestra there were large screen TV screens set-up so we could sit on the grass and enjoy the fireworks along with the music.

From a photographic point of view, you probably get better images from a distance where you can fit everything into frame, including some of the Edinburgh buildings lit up. It's also much easier to set your camera on a fixed focal length (closer and the distance to the fireworks can vary a lot). Also you don't have such a problem of smoke obscuring your view from a distance and the amount of light is much more consistent from a distance.

Anyway, enough of my excuses, here's today's Blip which I hope gives an impression of the spectacle.

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