Ramblings from Zambia....

By dcafrica


the staple food of Zambia which is eaten as nshima a white paste!  This is in my neighbours yard!  

I spent the whole morning at the funeral of the sister of my boss.  It was a moving occasion especially as the Head Teacher from the school where she worked made some remarks which were very touching!  He gave credit to my boss for taking his sister in when she became very sick and in fact he and his family nursed her for some months until she passed away!  It is not often I see an African man in tears, but today I saw quite a few!

Spent the afternoon clearing up my yard after the workmen had been in yesterday, and then this evening went out with some friends from USA who are visiting Lusaka from Lundazi in the Eastern province, and a couple of Zambia pastors!

Its been a public holiday here for youth day!

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