A mess, or a Jackson Pollock...
...or Armageddon, or Giant Butterflies take over the World!
I woke up this morning and should have started with my paperwork, but I said no to myself...let's paint, I thought. I had bought some slightly larger than A4 canvas boards last week with the idea of doing encaustic wax painting on them. But they do have a bumpy surface for ironing wax on.
I was making a mess of it...and was about to abandon it because it looked so awful, but then I flicked some paint on it from the hot iron. I liked that. Flicked some more hot wax on from the iron. This is fun!!!
Then I messed with the iron sideways in a chopping motion and hey presto, half a butterfly wing on the left side. Then did the other half on the right side, but it just didn't work out. That might have been the 7th or 8th attempt (or even more) to do the right side. It is funny how difficult it is to repeat an effect! So I gave the butterfly a body an antennae.
So I recommend doing a painting immediately you get out of bed. Sets a brilliant mood for the rest of the day :)
I wonder what I will do tomorrow?
This is my painting for today for a pic every day in 2017.
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