Bothy Culture

We made the Bothy, not literally of course, we didn't carry up all the sheets of tin, nails, battens bolts and screws etc but we managed to walk to it at least.

On the way home we went into Golspie to visit Angus. He reported that last week he got in a mix up and put his bin out on Wednesday, instead of the usual day Friday, it's just that he thought Wednesday was the Friday. His neighbour, Mr Sutherland, noticed Angus putting his bin out to so he put his own bin out. About mid-day Angus realised his mistake and took his been back inside. Mr Sutherland came home, went to his bin and realised it hadn't been emptied so he phoned the cooncil and complained.

You could make it up but you don't have to.

Home to the shores of Orcadia and Bibs has somehow managed to get onto the bed.

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