Sorely tempted

Another early call today but it didn't stop me from going back to sleep once Bailey was upstairs. We got up and walked the block, hoping to miss the rain but it had started by the time we went out and didn't really stop until our last walk this evening. I didn't have a particularly productive morning working but got the necessary bits done. 

The bestest friend walked with Bailey and I round to the shops with our shopping done in two shifts (Bailey waiting fairly patiently for each of us) and a good catch-up there and back and over a coffee. Bailey predicted when she was about to leave and decided to make it difficult by laying on her feet. 

And then cake baking this afternoon for the colleague whose birthday I drew this year. A chocolate cake baked during Lent is temptation indeed but I managed to resist, although it's not iced yet. That will be tomorrow's exercise in willpower. 

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