My Mini Adventure

By JJ46

Pretty orchid

A friend I haven't heard from since I was pregnant sent me a beautiful orchid for my birthday. I've been trying to get in touch with her in so many ways for a long time and had almost given up... and now this! Yay!

Today I went for an MRI scan on my lower back and hips. Things have not been right since I gave birth and I've been having physio for nearly a year now and nothing has helped. No idea when I will get the results at the moment.

The scan machine was very uncomfortable and incredibly noisy but, despite all this, I have to say I almost fell asleep! From this information you can tell the sort of night we had! I said to ThingsBeautiful in my comment that I would settle for Baby L reaching beyond midnight before waking up... and she did it! BUT, she then stayed awake for about 3 hours. Poor thing was so upset, her teeth were hurting her so much. Poor baby.

We had a birthday dinner at my parents' tonight with my brother and his gang there too. Was hot and noisy but lovely to see everyone and my mum's cooking was amazing as usual!

Fingers crossed for tonight... again!

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