Blip 1460!!

Well, today I have been blipping every day ( apart from one day at the beginning) for 4 whole years!!
A lot has happened in blipland in that time, when I first started I used the 'Blipster' site with it's lovely flowing fonts and the Blip  front page showed the most recent blips in mono, which changed to colour if you hovered over be replaced a while later by a full coloured front page and the 'Polaroidblipfoto' multicoloured logo. Soon that also passed and we all went into a spin thinking blip was dying and our precious journals would be lost forever ( I still back mine up to 'Day one' to this day), and the great day when Blipfuture was born and we all pulled together and finally saved it  - Thank you Blipfuture.
All my family and close friends think I am blip obsessed, and I suppose in some ways I am....I spend most days musing on what to blip, and panic if I don't succeed in getting an offering before it gets dark.
Over the years I have had good days and bad days, posted great shots and utter rubbish, seen new things, tried new photographic techniques, been inspired and hopefully inspired others.... blipland and Blippers you truely are AMAZING!!
The future? I would love to hit 10 years, but sensibly I plan to do a year at a as I sais 3 years ago  "here's to the next 365!"
Today's special blip was brought to you by the very lovely Oak beauty moth Biston strataria, a beautiful early moth that turns up very reliably in my garden, closely related to the similar (but later flying) Peppered moth.

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