
By SecondSeason

Derelict Sunday

When my grandparents (my Dad's parents) began to downsize and declutter well over 25 years ago, there were a few things I acquired that had sentimental value to me.  A bench my grandfather made, some gardening tools, afghans my grandmother knitted and this old lantern.  All of these items hold fond memories of the life my grandparents lived.  

Born in Russia, they immigrated to Brazil as a young married couple.  There they raised 11 children through very difficult circumstances, culminating in their last continental move to Canada in the late 50's.  Farming was their background and so all through my early childhood well into my teens, my memories take me back to their farm.  My parents and I, also immigrated to Canada from Brazil a year or so after my grandparents and early life was hard. Arriving as new immigrants, my folks were challenged in learning a new language and finding work.  Some of my earliest memories are of hot summers when my Mom, brother and I would temporarily move from the city to live on our grandparents farm to pick berries for the season.  In later years the farm also progressed to layer chickens and so on weekends that we'd visit, I'd often make a bit of cash gathering eggs for my grandparents.   

All this to say, these few items that I have of the life my grandparents lived, continued to be on the 'must take along' list through our last 2 moves.  They adorn my home or have a special place in my backyard, and every so often give room to the bank of memories I treasure.

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