RSD Photo's SoCal Life

By rsdphotography

Zihua Starbucks

Back in Zihua for a few days before heading to the United States for a month. Had to check downtown to see what had changed in the two months we were gone. The answer is not much (except I understand we now have a Sam's Club on the highway just outside of the downtown core). The crowd at our local coffeehouse, however, does seem to have gotten bigger, now it is standing room only, there just doesn't seem to be enough 20 liter buckets to go around. I figure there are more people (men actually, as I don't recall ever seeing a woman hanging out at this particular coffee shop) drinking coffee because many businesses are currently closed. It is after the Mexican Nationals travel and before the tourists from the United States and Canada arrive, so many in the tourist trade are taking a much needed break from work.

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