Go Away!!

Watching wildlife was a lovely, relaxing pastime until recently.  I think it must be mating season because there seems to be a lot of squabbling going on amongst the waterfowl.  The mallards are nipping at each other’s tail feathers and the Canada geese are chasing each other aggressively.   My usually placid little waterfront environment is not so placid right now.   I have a feeling that if I went down to the waterfront or the marina the gulls would be fussing about as well. 

There’s no refuge in the news or politics either unless you’re interested in going insane so I’m reading a few of those books I bought and put away for my retirement.   I’m also starting to work on my scrapbooking project since I now have the time and space to make a mess and not worry about it. 
Today I threw caution to the wind and bought a whole bunch of new pens to replace the ones lying around the house that refuse to make a mark on paper at the moment you most need them to do just that.  It was an oddly liberating feeling to know that I now can grab any pen in any room and it will write when asked.  The biggest challenge was getting them out of the nuclear bomb-resistant packaging.   Unfortunately, many things nowadays carry the same frustration: cold medication, batteries, toothbrushes.  I’ve even purchased scissors that were packaged to require scissors to open.   I know the latter can be used as a weapon, but just exactly who am I going to hurt with nasal decongestant? 
Some days I feel as though my little world is no longer in my control, so, back to my book and a cup of tea. 

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