Mystery Man...

A full on, sugar fuelled day (them, not us), celebrating the 6th birthday of A and O.

A morning of crafting, then a walk down Portobello Prom with the SBG and their new walkie talkies. They still don't get that they don't have to shout to each other while using them!!

A fun tea party party with friends and many, many sweets followed.

After the guests had left, and presents were opened, we piled into the car and headed back to ours for a bit before walking up to La Favorita for a birthday meal.

Despite the kids having gorged themselves on food all day, and being tired, we had a lovely meal. They are great company and happily filled in word searches and chatted about favourite films.

The girls were pleased to get a(nother) birthday cake, and more so the fact the restaurant lights got dimmed and other people sang happy birthday to them too!

A bus ride home, jammies, bed. They were all asleep within minutes.

Today's blip is of Iain, modelling one of the party hats the kids got to decorate at the party.

Hoping for a less crazy day tomorrow.

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