Bobby's Photo Exhibition

A fine calm day, but drizzle showers throughout the day.  It's been a dry calm evening. 

I was up bright and early this morning, and headed north after breakfast.  I setup my photo exhibition at Sullom, but a mishap with the projector, and had to pop back to Lerwick to fetch a lead!  A fine quiet evening at home now, with plenty of walkies with Sammy.  

My exhibition in Sullom was a great success, and maybe have to do it again.  All the photos I've been scanning at work lately were used today.  It's photos from the Bobby Mowat collection, and I was needing to gather names for the database.  Loads of names came in, and also plenty of memories for folk.  There was a projector with photos, photos on display boards, and tables with scattered photos, also tea, coffee and fancies.  Here some of the folk that attended, with Ann Ratter on left, Robert Hughson with beard and glasses, Peter Robertson next to him, and Willie and Addie Doull at the head of the table.  Mam, dad and Elise also turned up.  Taken in the Sullom Hall. 

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