For Goat

Todays Blip is for my trusty van Goat, shown at the bottom of the photograph with the bike on the back.

One of the few things I do actually miss when I'm gone, love driving this vehicle right from the start and despite being 6 years old and close to 120k on the clock, still love driving Goat. Take it a bit easier than I used as Goat isn't quite as young as he used to be.

Have really had to have a think about Goat's future over the last two months. Whether to sell him or keep him. Decided that with the abysmal values offered on s/h vans right now selling isn't really an option. So Goat will go back north in a few days to spend the rest of the year with the Goat Keeper. And if I sell, things like FotoStelvio become practically impo$$ible.

I think the difference this year is that Goat will stay road legal and get used. 10 months laid up in the last year did him no favours whatsoever, and I can't let that happen. Having said that, the Goat Keeper has a fair bit of work to do on Goat this coming year - lots of little jobs - and a couple of not so little jobs as well. I hope the Goat Keeper is as enthusiastic as I am!

However, this Blip is for Goat, who did another 6,000 miles with me in the last two months and kept me safe.

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