m o s s t r o o p e r

By mosstrooper

The River Tees above High Force

Well after quite possibly one of the worst weeks I've ever had in my life today has been a total joy.

With it being such a lovely day Mr.B and I drove across to High Force near Middleton-in-Teesdale and walked 2 miles up to the waterfall. It was very pleasant due to the fantastic weather and great to finally get out of the house. Afterwards we stopped at The Teesdale Hotel for Sunday lunch which was fantastic.

Last week nothing seemed to go right. I had a massive flood which was probable caused by all the torrential rain we've had. This then escalated into a sewerage problem and so began the series of catastrophic events. And the clean up job afterwards was horrendous. Then my Nana was taken into A&E after a bad fall where I waited with her for 5 hours for an x-ray! Mr.B was in London, my parents are in Italy and I couldn't get in touch with my sister so I had the whole lot to cope with by myself.

I've since written a detailed report and presented it to the complaints department at the water board. I now have to wait 10 working days for their response. To say I was a little peeved is an understatement.

That is why today has been so nice to get away from it all.

I'm now off to enjoy one of my favourite bottles of red wine accompanied by a movie.

*This should have actually been Sunday's entry and not Saturday as shown. There must have been a technical error

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