A confused genius

By Lez11

Sports Sunday

Just another Sunday, bloody Sunday, today. As ever it started by getting up early and ironing my clothes for work with a cup of coffee in my incredible hulk mug (pic). I then popped round my nan and grandads with my sister and niece. My nan has had a new phone so I had to transfer all her pics, numbers and songs onto her new phone for her.

After a loverly beef Sunday roast round my moms I came back home to an afternoon of sports in front of the TV and radio. I listened to the wolves match on the radio which depressed me as we lost yet again. You would have thought I'm used to losing by now but it still p**ses me off. I then watched the F1 GP and it was exiting for the first few laps with the pile ups but then it became a precession. That was followed by Liverpool vs arsenal, Southampton vs Manchester Utd and then England vs South Africa in the ODI.

I'm now going to watch the Paralympics.

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