Fear & Loathing

By McDawg

"me? but i haven't even brushed my hair!&quot

.........tough ya little b'stard. i'm taking the shot anyway. honestly i think the squirrels are being intimidated by the dirty pigeons. fortunately two squirrels turned up today and just steamed in to the feeder.

so didn't write much on yesterdays back blip but the highlight of the day was baby McD's first trip to the cinema which went really well. i wasn't sure if she would sit still all the way through it but as always she did both of us proud.

ok, onto a slightly more serious note. as you will all be aware by now blip is no longer just a free site as of tomorrow. now before the mods have a fit and rush to wipe this from view let me state that i am NOT against this. i along with many fallen comrades think that this is actually a long time in coming and am happy to pay towards keeping blip on the web. (the way it was brought up leaves a lot to be desired but hey, that's another story.)
oddly enough it's not even the tacky incentives for the £40 membership that has really annoyed me about the whole thing. no what is getting to me and i have no doubt a few others is the fact that some upstart can join tomorrow and BUY themselves a founders member logo! now i have been using blip for a year and a half (roughly), actually today will be 519 straight posts..............one of you can work it out in years, months, etc. ok, so as i said a year and a half and i came to the party about a year after it all started. even i don't think that i have the right to call myself a FOUNDER member. i have fallen by the way side over the last few months, which was highlighted by my fall from the popular journals section...........this doesn't really bother me as it's not why i started blipping in the first place. now before i veer wildly off in some bizarre tangent i want to say that the only and i mean THE ONLY PEOPLE who should have this logo are the 15 folk that joe convinced to start posting a daily shot in the first place. i mean i know some of you out there are going to buy that logo but why? you don't deserve it and you certainly haven't earned it. are your lives so empty that this poxy symbol will make it all better? somehow make you feel important? now i will happily hand over my £25 quid to keep my membership going and surely that's all anyone needs to do. honestly joe, i have kept quiet about the whole issue on here (which must be surprise to a lot of you, especially the mods) but surely that honour (if you will pardon the term) belongs to those die hards and should be given to them freely as a mini thank you gesture. hell i bet even a few of them would be happy not to have it.
the one thing about the £40 deal i think should have happened sooner is the selling of blip cards. my only question there is why the hell did it take you guys so long to do it? i mean the selling of these cards would have been a winner (and possibly have saved some of us some very strange looks at times!)
i don't want to end this on a sour note although i can't for the life of me work out why i had to lose so many fellow blippers over something like this. the more i have thought about it the dafter it seems. i must admit i worry about where blip may be heading but i shall continue my journey with you all just for the hell of it....................you never know it may even be for the best.

so let me end by wishing you all a great hogmany (new years eve for you heathens) and i have a few random choices to end the year on,

one, i actually wanted if i was your girlfriend" but couldn't find a link, hey ho life goes on.
two, just because it got baby McD up and dancing...............ok i was too ;o)
three, simply because i've used them so often and it's a party video (but in reverse)

have a good one folks and safe home to all those out and about..............

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