A Dozen Red Roses

Can't believe I've just crawled into bed finally and am now just posting my blip!

When I got up this morning, I texted my sister-in-law, Debbie, to ensure she would be home tonight at 6pm. I then spent ages going through my supplies trying to decide what to use and not use in making her birthday card. It was lunchtime by the time I had it all put together!

After I had my lunch, I went out and picked up the dozen red roses that I needed to give Debbie on behalf and I of my brother who is currently who knows where on the road in his 18 wheeler.

I spent my afternoon working on documents and information needed for our MS group and sending out follow up emails to people who haven't attended in a while. I was working away right up until it was time to leave for tonight's meeting.

I left the house and stopped at S & D's just as Debbie was pulling in from work. We got to visit for 10 minutes before I had to head off for my MS meeting.

At the meeting tonight we had some business that needed to be taken care of and then we once again got to have fun finishing up the quilt squares. Jenny has once again donated her time and talent to piece together these quilts Don't know what we'd do without her!

I hope to be able to breath tomorrow

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