Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Bad Date

In this instant, it almost looked like things were going to go in Marv's favor as he attempted to mount Mabel right there on the cherry tree.  But, a mere nano-second later, Marv was cruelly rebuffed, publicly humiliated, cast aside.

The mourning dove is my 22nd yardbird to be blipped this year.  These medium sized birds are common throughout the US and well into Mexico.  The are usually monogamous during the breeding season, with both adults incubating eggs and caring for young.  They are notoriously poor nest-builders, which may be why they usually only lay two eggs per brood, but up to six broods per season.  Something I didn't know is that they are also the most frequently hunted game bird in N. America.  Yikes.

Thank you so very much for all the love on my fox yesterday - you've propelled him/her to the third spot on the popular page!  

This morning, the bluebirds stopped in to check on their nest box again - it seems to be a regular morning thing now - he sings a bit and she peeks in the box to make sure nothing is amiss and then, after 15 minutes or so, they're off about their day.  This all bodes well for a summer rental.  

Snow in the forecast for tonight/tomorrow - as usual, the amount is vague... somewhere between 2 and 6 inches, I guess.  In any case, I expect snow to feature in tomorrow's blip.


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