
Named Affodyle until 1500's. Also known as Narcissus.
The drooping of the daffodil symbolizes the image of Narcissus bowing his head as he admired his own image in the lake. He was spellbound by his beauty but it disappeared into ripples when he tried to touch it. The centre cup of the daffodil was filled with his tears and the flower is a symbol of vanity, conceit and unrequited love.
It s the birthday flower of March. The flower of Easter symbolizing re-birth and the return of spring. Known as Easter Bells in Germany, Little Teardrops in Greece, Peter's Leek in Wales where it is a national emblem along with the leek. It symbolizes purity for the Druids. Arabians used it as an aphrodisiac and to cure baldness ! In Maine, USA, if you point at one with an index finger, it will not bloom. If you have nesting poultry don't bring daffodils over your threshold as it is bad luck. One unusual fact is that Prince Charles is paid the sum of one annual daffodil as a considered rent for the Scilly Isles. 

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