
By MikePoole

A very busy Long Tailed Tit

I sat and watched for a good 10 minutes or so,as this little fella flew back and forth with beak fulls of Lichen to line its nest.
  But it wasn't alone! Barely visable among the Lichen on the bough was the UK's smallest bird,the Goldcrest.
 It was so small and working so hard.I felt I should go help him a bit? Yes it was the male! But as hard as I tried I couldn't get a shot of him showing off his crest.
 I did get a shot of his crest,but it was blurred and fuzzy.
 I will return another time to try my luck again?
     Small birds in a very twiggy shrub.Moving very fast in low light.Make photography a challenge to say the least?   lol 

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