PawsClaws n Tails outWest

By DesertP

Buffalos and Birds

Its been quite an interesting day I have to say! Started out boring - decided to finally give my bungalow a bit of a 'spring clean'. Unfortunately I forgot to bring my running shoes inside from a few days ago and so thought I'd better give them a good shake before I did - just as well! I almost thought I'd gotten away with it when down slips a stealthy toad from his no longer stealthy hiding place! I still got a bit of a fright and let out some kind of garbled gasp, could have been worse though. If it had been a spider I would have screamed a little more loudly, or a roach - can't stand those things!!

Headed off to the yb to do some washing and bake some bownies (they were awesome by the way :) and then decided to go for a long overdue walk to the lake and spot of birdwatching. There was a bit of an Ol Mcdonald theme happening as I walked past a sow and her 8 or so piglets, chickens, and goats! I actually havn't walked along the lake path before and so was pleasantly surprised to discover that it will work perfectly as my new running route. Might have to watch out for snakes though - and water buffalo! I was actually hmmphed at and chased by a very protective mother today! I didn't realise til I got back to the computer that I had managed to capture her mood changing quite well and even caught her foot in the air and grunting in the last picture! Thankfully the rest of the herd weren't quite as stroppy and I managed to make a rather speedy get away.

Despite all this, still managed to add five new species to my Vietnam bird list :)

NB: Major Massive computer issues tonight! If this wasn't my only computer it would be in pieces against a wall right now! Had a lovely series of the buffalo ready to blip - but now have to settle for choosing just one due to many reasons. So here is stroppy mum for you - just like me right now!

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