Leaving Zimbabwe
It's been a busy week with little time to see beyond the inside of offices, and even less time for photography. A trip planned to the eastern districts fell through. Consequently, no chance to repeat these images from August 2014. There have been rainstorms every afternoon and most evenings, huge thundering affairs dumping an inch or two of rain every time. Harare is full of maize, lovely tall crops this year. Previously, many residents complained about maize being grown on verges in the outer suburbs, now this form of urban farming is an entrenched and accepted practice and the local seed companies advertise their seed varieties alongside roadside crops.
In Russia, on this day in 1917, the seeds of revolution have sprouted everywhere. There is fear and anxiety, but also a sense of euphoria. Events have run very quickly but these have been the culmination of years of discontent. Nicholas' hope of a constitutional monarchy dies too when his brother, Prince Michael, appointed tsar the previous afternoon, now realising what little support he has, abdicates. For Nicholas, abdication represents a great sacrifice, not of losing the trappings of office, but because he feels that by this act, he has broken an oath to God and Country.
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