With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Steam punk and soap

Since my early twenties I have acknowledged the significance of the washing machine in women’s’ lives. It probably started with an early memory; moving into our house in Formby in about 1970 and seeing the remains of what had been the washroom and the giant copper (that became a frog pond, but that's another story). There were Victorian domestic traces everywhere in the house, bells and buttons and so on, but the size of the room, the space for the fire beneath the pot and the thought of two entire days being consumed every week in a modest sized home, just to get clothes and bedding clean! The ergonomics, the mechanics of the domestic process and maybe my innate laziness set the seed for the unsuspecting future self.
I am not house proud. There wasn’t ever time for that, there are other things to do. But I do appreciate order and cleanliness if at all possible. How I have come to this place is crazy, but here I am. I am playing with a machine that makes my life easier to make other people’s lives easier. That’s about it. It gives me time to think about creative stuff and I hope relieves stress from others. I love that thought of my clients thinking ‘that’s one less thing to worry about’. My machines roll on in their rather Victorian way, all steam punk and soap.
My contribution to international Women’s’ day.  it’s not about the stuff, it’s about the attitude.

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