Female House Finch & Brown-headed Nuthatch
This is a short blip. Had a migraine this morning so took meds and stayed in bed.
Chrissel sent me a text photo of Elli and we started text chatting. I thought we had a nice 'visit'! We are so blessed with the wonders of technology today.
Kent was home from work just after lunchtime. He helped Jim next door clean up the land that is next to the road. When that was done, Kent helped me clean out all the parasite vines that like to grow amongst our azalea bushes. I was exhausted when finished and had difficulty standing.
After coming in and having a shower to get rid of all the yellow tree pollen, my MS neuropathy went mad. I want to cut my feet off! The sensations in my feet is crazy and intense. I have taken extra Lyrica but that makes me drowsy so I'm off to bed again!
(the extra is a couple of our windmills as seen through the tulip tree)
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