No pain so no gain?

Well what a lot of hype and parafenalia. I was so concerned about the effects of the Qutenza patch, by all accounts it was going to burn like extremely bad sunburn for 2 or 3 days. So they took my blood pressure, temperature etc then. The hope was the area would be marked out, by stabbing me and marking my foot, ouch ouch. Then the dressing would be cut to exactness and applied, then covered in Stretch and seal, and a dressing bandage, then my temp, blood pressure etc again, they keep a very close eye on you in case of breathing difficulties etc, but I remained stable for the whole time. They said don't worry if you can only tolerate it for 5 minutes, a bit longer would still be beneficial, half an hour will be great one hour would give me the best benefits. Well an hour later! Off it came, no real pain or burning. They neutralised the gel and cleaned it up. More blood pressure etc checks. Then I was told mmmm! Looks like you might need to have it done two or three times for it to take effect! But wait and see if there is any improvement. So who knows time will tell. Sorry to Twitter on but many have messaged me, so I wanted to bring some up to date, I'll do better tomorrow ;0)

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