Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Cat on not hot or tin roof .....

It's quite cold and the roof is wooden with that funny scratchy stuff that comes with a flat pack shed.
Nala and the other 4 cats like the two sheds that the rabbits have as the sheds are good high points for 1.teasing the lovely collie dog next door (his name is Pilot) and 2.they watch out for birds .. and 3. it's not far from the back door and their food bowls .
I've been SO BUSY that I never got time for a sit down until Mad Eyed Moody arrived for a herbal tea (she is not a drinker of tea or coffee) and that was not until just gone 4.30 .. PLUS at 7.40 am I was in the gym being tortured !!!
That's all for now .

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