Thank you uncle John

Drop off went well today
So well she's asked that uncle john does it again! Result!

Wom has a horrid cough, I'm still positive it isn't croup as although sounds bad, it's no worse during the day or night. He's also got a cold and sounds as if he has a sore throat. Nursery rang lee at 4:14 to say he had a temperature and could he have some calpol. He's come home and eaten toast and two ice lollies as well as drink loads so I think he just feels crap!

Hopefully he will sleep well tonight

Munchie has had a good day, picked her up from nursery and brought her home for tea where she demolished sausages and mash, toasted tea cake, crispy cornflake cake and a lolly
Think she was hungry

She's also got a cough and cold

Seems a vey long time till daddy home

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