Come on Daff!

I don't know why, but the daffs around here seem to be very slow emerging!  I managed to find this one this morning in Mom and Dad's garden when I had gone round to be there while Dad went out.  He was unable to stop Mom going back to bed this morning and didn't phone me in time for me to do anything about getting her up so she could go to the Lunch club with him.  Of course, as soon as he had gone, she came downstairs and got upset that he had gone.  She asked if he had left her.  What awful things are going on inside her mind.  I suggested that she might like a shower and get dressed but she decided to go back to bed instead...

As it so happens, I managed to get a lot of written stuff done this morning so today has been quite productive so far.  My sister and I are taking Mom to the Doc's tonight as we have asked for a review of her condition.  No expectations.

Thank goodness for the daffodils eh?

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