As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Birenday Is An Addict

I spent the morning finishing my APUSH summer assignment. Around noon, I walked with Jess to Kathryn and Kelly's house to hang out with them and Dan. Along the way, we ran into some old man and ended up donating to the homeless and receiving tickets to a play he wrote. We went in the pool for a while and then we were spirited off in Ashleigh's car with Kristin and Birenday. We went to Friendly's for a meal and we caused a ruckus. It's a good thing that we were the only ones in the restaurant. We ate our ice cream at the school and admired the graffiti on the picnic tables. After performing Toast, Ashleigh drove Jess and I back to Kathryn and Kelly's. We played Bananagrams and listened to music until my mom came to get me.

Word of the Day: Demulcent - Soothing or mollifying, as a medicinal substance

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