Birthday eve

One of the better things about getting older is that birthday celebrations generally last a bit longer. I can usually stretch a Birthday out to at least three days in recent years. I don't think we were allowed to be quite so indulgent as kids. Yesterday was a parkrun, Loch Fyne lunch with the parents and a bit of house-hunting and kitchen browsing in the afternoon. What better way to celebrate impending old age than three of my loves: running, food and (more recently) house-hunting?

Today was a (less enjoyable) 15km run: wet and muddy and with a gazzilion stops. Thankfully, it was straight round to Fati's and Ali's with the rest of the gang for a Persian feast. Delicious!

Then Jen came round this evening and we lounged around drinking wine and eating chocolate.

And it's not even my birthday yet.

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