The 10th Hole!

Guess who forgot to take her camera battery out the charger before heading out for the day???? So terrible phone blip it is!

Today we met up with our Cruise Buddies to discuss plans for our trip to Alaska in May. Not much planning happened, but a great roast dinner was consumed then pudding at the best cake shop in Hampshire - the 10th Hole in Southsea!

We did however all agree that a Helicopter trip to a Glacier for a Husky ride was a must, despite the extravagance of it costing £439 EACH!!! and Mr W and Shirley said they'd like to do the longest Zip wire IN THE WORLD which I could be talked into if my back was ok by then.

It was a nice relaxing day and now can't wait for this amazing adventure to begin!! I must remember my battery....I must remember my battery.....I must remember my battery!

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