My Day, My Life

By SixtySix66

Games Without Frontiers

Retro is cool.

Even the crass becomes credible, eventually.

Once upon a time, there used to be a Saturday morning kids show called SWAP SHOP.

Fronted by a youthful looking bearded chap who went by the name of Noel Edmonds.

I wonder what ever happened to him?

Well one day 'The Carpenters*' were on as musical guests

*a very successful brother/sister act from the USA who had, more than a few hits.

Guests would usually bring something to 'swap' ie giveaway as a prize.

John & Karen brought the latest in hi-tech gadgets, Astro Wars the very first tabletop arcade game.

At £50+ they were astronomically expensive to buy and probably out of the reach of most children, me included.

I didn't win the highly coveted prize but it didn't end in disaster as a number of years later I bought one.

It's probably eligible for the Antiques Roadshow now!

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