The latest hang

A flying trip to London took in visits to the Wellcome Collection, the British Museum, Russian Art 1917-1932 at the Royal Academy and the penultimate day of the Paul Nash exhibition at Tate Britain. It was hectic and somewhat stressful after two years away, and the first time I haven't had The Old Man to stay with, cook for and report back to.

Things change very quickly in the metropolis but walking through Pimlico to the Tate I was intrigued to see these old fashioned washing-lines still in active use. I've discovered that they belong to the Millbank Estate and have been there for 70 years. Not so long ago the landlord of the flats attempted to remove them, on the grounds that they constituted a Health & Safety hazard (what else?), and intended to install rotary driers instead. The residents objected: they liked the old lines and they complained they hadn't been consulted about the matter. A campaign was mounted and was obviously successful because the old lines are still there. and the washing is hung as neatly as the pictures in the nearby gallery.

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