The Lochy

By Dougiemac

Edinburgh Landmarks.

The Iron Duke, Wellington, looking south down the North Bridge. The Duke gets all the glory, but his oft ignored horse was called 'Copenhagen' and was a 15 hands high chestnut stallion which carried Wellington round the field of Waterloo for 18 hours on the day of the battle. Copenhagen was 25 years old when he died in 1836, and was buried with full military honours on the Duke's Estate at Stratfield Saye.
The tower to the right is the Nelson Monument on Calton Hill, and this contains a time ball which is hoisted up to the white cross, and dropped back down at 13.00 hours to coincide exactly with the one o clock gun being fired from the Castle.
I had gone to Edinburgh to see the "Open House" art exhibition run by the Abbeyhill Colony of Artists. This is a quite unique happening, in which various artists who live in the Abbeyhill Colonies have an open-door event over the weekend. Good weather, lots of viewing, and excellent live music at Waverly Place made it a wonderful afternoon out.
Thank you Morven, Andy and all the others who made it such a welcoming event.

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