St Connel

The perfection of the art of going bonkers well hunting.
It's at times like these that you realise you have slightly obsessional tendencies that simply won't be ignored.
This well has been on my mind since I read about it. I knew it was a bit far to go but when I had finished at the opticians this morning, the sun was shining at last, I had read as much as I could to locate it and so headed north. 
As you head into the remote parts of the southern uplands of Scotland you head into another world. Once I'd left the M74 I didn't see another car or soul for many miles and it was made all the more otherworldly by listening to the War of the Worlds on the radio as I went. 
When I got to Kirkconnel, time was a bit short so I asked a chap who was re-felting his shed roof. 'You mean the old church?', 'Yes, that's the one' .... 'up in the hills' .... 'yes, that's the one' .... 'are you sure' ... 'well, yes, I think I am ...', 'well... if you're sure ...'
With all the uncertainty of not being entirely sure and wondering what on earth possessed me I eventually found the site but I wasn't going to raise my hopes on the well which I knew wasn't on the site and wasn't marked on the map but the beck was called Church Burn ... a good sign. I headed up and then knew I was there and suddenly there was St Connel looking up at me. 
It is an incredibly moving spot with all the profundity that you could hope for attending one of the oldest church sites (9th century) in Southern Scotland.

I'm hoping freespiral might let St Connel slip in as a late entry to holy wells month. He reminded me a lot of his chum a bit further south.
In the meantime, I await the men in white coats ....I think I've discovered a new diagnostic criteria for completely bonkers. 
Who knows why we do what we do.
... oh, and yes, I did have a lovely crystal clear cool drink from it.

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