All Around Me are Familiar Faces
Saturday - We were both up and out by Ten. Toolibelle was line judging at a VB match, and Him and me headed to the town for him a haircut and me - a sink cleaner.
Then we did our weekly shop and then we headed home for some lunch.
Then, before we got too comfortable in front of the TV; we headed to the Allotment.
This is becoming a habit.
I weeded and raked, and weeded and raked, and Him , well he built a fence. This is a small part of the fence. It's almost all the way round, and now we have to find some mesh.
We weren't going, to but our allotment friends have advised that while the birdies, moles, and rabbits are really cute - they decimate everything.
And now we lay here, side by side, comatose on the sofa; I never thought we would get this far with the allotment by now - but I did think that once it started to look like we were getting there, I thought the effort would cause less pain on the joints.
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