The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Where are the shreddies?

Apparently they go in your mouth...silly me!

A jam packed day and a really lovely one too. Up, walking the gals, omelette (with spinach and goats cheese - mmmmmm!), chores, went training and worked like a trojan...sweated buckets, drank more and worked those muscles hard! Nipped home to shower, eat and pop the girls in the car before whizzing down the A1 to Rutland Water to meet the in-laws and collect Rags. We had a cuppa, strolled around the water side and then I headed to school and then to meet the usual recruits for tea at Doddington Hall. I've blipped Riley Roo before...he is normally full of smiles but today was more determined to make Police car noises and push his cars around the table. Hilarious when he drove them into the squeezy bottle of apple, as it squirted across the table, missed his head and hit Debs square in the chest!!

Then a food shop, home to FT you and then I MOWED THE LAWNS!! Yes, I did man jobs and despite having to FT you again to find out why it wouldn't turn on I did it! Hooray! More chores, dog's dinner, my dinner and...phew, I'm pooped! Foam rolling in front of the Paralympics again...loving the C4 coverage!

PS. Rags has settled in super-quickly...happy days! No need for ear plugs...yet?!

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