A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

The view from my chair - ish

Suffering a little with wimmin's issues today so have spent a considerable part of the day attached to a hot water bottle. Did prompt an amusing conversation with Anna about whether you could still do things like dancing and gymnastics on your period and me trying to convey the ridiculousness of the adverts that make it seem practically compulsory. I, of course, on the other hand have been a terrible advert.

My position did mean a prime spectator view of the game of It the kids had that was very thinly disguised fighting. Odd the joy I get from such things, seeing them as a good sign.

Not sure there's much else to report from the day; though Anna's netball team did make it through their tournament and are through to the finals of something next Tuesday. I may have lost some of the finer details.

This is our newish mirror thing in our still feels like new living room. I did cheat a little and stand up for this but I liked the reflection of the shutters and the hint of cocktail corner.

Perhaps that's what I need. Waiter...

Lesley x

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