horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

Preliminary Sketch

Which became the extra 'shot'. For a friend who has written the play involved and wondered if I could have a go at a logo. And later that evening....

New dip pen arrived after I geeked out on CultPens the other night. Going to save having a play until the weekend, when I can have a proper go. The nib holder, nibs and ink (and pencil case that doubles as a pencil pot, I want to keep all my good/usual drawing stuff in one place) are all beautiful pieces of Japanese loveliness. And the holder, nibs and ink are all 'cartoonist' items. Granted more specifically for manga, but should suit my purposes rather nicely.

Now eyeing up drawing boards....

Which all contrasts nicely with being back behind a desk. 

Edit: For the avoidance of doubt, Robin is Errol Flynn, couldn't be anyone else, even for a lad who spent his formative years in the 80s with Michael Praed and Jason Connery in the role. His Marian was Olivia de Haviland, penpal of our sadly departed next door neighbour (we once took in a parcel for him, and Mel noticed the sender details so made me ask if it was 'that' Olivia de Haviland, and it turns out he'd written to her, something like 30 or 40 years previously, and they'd carried on corresponding, he sending her flowers on her birthday, she sending him a book on his, which this was. He died without ever actually meeting her). But the Sheriff couldn't ever, ever, be anyone other than Alan Rickman. Anyone who disagrees, I'll cut your heart out with a spoon.

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