
My Dear Fellow,

When I got home from work today, this little guy was crawling around in a cat bed. I've no idea how he got in, or how he didn't get chewed up by a cat, or how Jasper didn't end up back at the vet with a bee-sting stuck in his bum, but fortunately such was not the case.

I'd seen some YouTube videos where people who find bees feed them, so I thought I'd give it a go. I mixed up some sugar water, and then fashioned a bee-food-delivery-system. Otherwise known as a bit of tin foil with sugar water in the middle.

I was amazed to see it worked. The bee found the water and was totally grooving on it, his little proboscis sucking away for all he was worth and his hairy legs dancing about. It was quite surprising and delightful.

I was unable to get a good picture of him, but here he is climbing the walls after I put him outside. I hope he found a nice flower.

Incidentally, Er Indoors has been looking into veterinary recruitment lately and was speaking to an NZ vet looking to bring in some new talent. He says he's looking for vets who deal with farming stock - animals who produce - cows, sheep, pigs and also bees.

There are bee vets?? I had no idea. I mean, I suppose bees get sick like all other animals, but vets

I suppose it's good to know if you ever need your bee spayed. 

El P.

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