Footprints in snow

Lovely grey and warm weather today +1c, no sun though. And there was a couple of thick snow showers too... 

Weather now is very springly, like in the end of april... So maybe you can understand my mixing the months yesterday! ;) Thank you for Pleach and Mikeder for your lovely concern ;) ;) ;)

There is only a thin layer of snow in the backyard, but in the woods partly bare weeds of twigs and brophytes.  Normally you can not see the Rhodorendron at all this time - normally it is covered by snow. Not this year...

Today a big annual statistics job done at work, I did not start anything after I had finished it, but left home at 3pm and made a nice walk and enjoyed the fresh air.

Tomorrow a last visit to headquarters (fully booked trains for sure) and then a holiday week - a winter vacation. No bookings, no commitments, no plans. 

Or... Actually - there is some plans. I try to go sauna and ice-swimming some afternoon and enjoy the springly weather and try to find some migratory birds ;)


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