
First day of spring today - meteroligically speaking - thank goodness!!
Needless to say it was a day of rain and more rain.
I noticed this tiny Red dead-nettle  Lamium purpureum growing at the base of my neighbours wall yesterday, but I felt today  (the beginning of spring) would be a much better day to blip it.
Red dead-nettle, also known as Purple dead-nettle or purple archangel, is a very common little plant that comes into flower pleasingly early in the year, giving a lovely little splash of colour when least expected......especially if (like me) you are scouring the edges of the pavement for a blip! 
Pee Wee update :-
Pee wee is feeling much better today, and has feasted on poached chicken breast for her tea...back to the normal kibble tomorrow I think, thank you all for your good wishes for her speedy recovery.

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