Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee


Its ohhhh so cold..... Our central heating has gone on the blink.....again. Which is typical really as its the festive season so you can't get anyone out to fix it and we have folk staying with us! Poor people shivering away not wanting to be rude!
OK its not quite that bad, we do have a coal fire and some electric heaters dotted about the place - but the bedrooms are pretty baltic and we all kind of have to all stay huddled in one room! So I have the option of being sociable and putting up with everyone else - plus dads choice of TV - or having a bit of alone time but freezing my socks off.... Its a dificult one ;o)

Today I met up with my friend Vikki and we went to The Storehouse (yes, my family practically lives there!) for a cuppa. I've known Vix for years, but we actually met when I was starting the job she was leaving! More Waterstone's refugees.
Anyway todays blip is the view from the Storehouse out across the Cromarty Firth.

It was a gorgeous day today, very cold but beautiful and sunny. I took so many photographs of around where we live that I had to go inside to recharge my camera's battery so I could continue a bit later on!

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