
By tookie


begins with a day with a dear friend....having our special "drinks" with lovely hearts on top...hers a mocha and striped heart and mine a coconut with carmel and singular white heart.  My friend in the middle....having a day break from her caretaking role.  Her husband has serious health issues and she does the many know...not an easy thing. 
     We saw the new flick United Kingdom--excellent true story very well done.  I also included on the left an tiny frozen icy piece that was on a bush outside her home---to balance out the collage---it was between that and rump's face from his speech tonight...icy drop won out. extras...well you figure them  out;)
       I wasn't going to watch rump's speech but I was toned down and opened condeming the recent hate act in Kansas and across the country done at Jewish Community centers with bomb scares called in ( one yesterday right here on nearby Mercer Island).  But then during his address to Congress he , against advice from his military advisor and homeland security advisor, used the term "radical islamist terrorists" which just paints muslims in a bad light and so unnecesary and ramps up the hatred toward us.  He was told that using these words did not make us safer...does just the oppostist with those recruiting terrorists--plays into their hands.  And while he proclaimed he was going to make us all much safer by curbing violence and crime---this morning he signed an executive order which lets seriously mentally ill people own guns now.?????  Sigh

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