Red sky at night... I walked up the Cannongate to catch the 18:04 home. Nice and bright as I made my way to the station.

Been a nice bright, dry day. Enjoyed lovely sunlight on my face this morning through the train window on the journey to work.

The walk home from the station tonight was cold, dry with a nice clear sky and good view of the stars and the waxing crescent moon we had this evening.

Out with Buncle for a wee run tonight and at one point mid chat to me he stopped and said, "Wow, that is beautiful that blue of the sky and the stars."

He ran well too...quite enthusiastic...he tells me he visualised us running when he was in maths ...mmm not sure about that:-/

I am grateful to have been there and witnessed his "Wow" moment and for his company & chat tonight.

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