Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Reality cheek

6 chocolate buttons is 100 calories. That's reality. It is also a paradigm shift. The belief that you will not get fat if you eat without thinking about the consequences is not a sustainable view of reality. Ask my hips. 

I've been counting calories again for a couple of weeks and it feels good. I am in control. No self delusion. And I still eat chocolate.

Had my annual checkup at the hospital again. "When did you last have a camera up your bottom?" asked the registrar. "When I accidentally sat on my Nikon D90" ... I should have said ... but I answered truthfully "2012 when I was diagnosed." "Mmmm" says she "might have to give you another one, it's been five years". Colonoscopy. Call it a colonoscopy. I know what it is, I've had one. We patients do know a thing or two. Camera up the bottom my arse ...

Mind you that would be good for the diet ... best part of two days without any food before the procedure ... always a good way to lose weight ...

Had some interesting conversations at work today. You always get interesting conversations when the NHS is changing. Paradigm shift ...

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