One Crowded Hour

By GlassRoad


Bought some flowers at a local flower farm today where Mrs W rules the roost and is either loved or found to be quite acidic and more than a tad grumpy.
Thankfully we have always got on very well over the years of flower buying and today as well as all the spring beauties there were huge numbers of orchids.
Apparently she and Mr W (both in their eighties) have 4000!! growing and quite stunning, sexy and varied they are.

I asked her if I could take some photos of them and their collection, but as this is about at the end of the season I may be able to go back next year and perhaps photographically document the life of an orchid grower here in Aus.
As she did say, at their time in life they take life day by day so if next year happens, it may happen.
Now that would be very special.

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