Information Retrieval

By Syetuttle

'arry Woz 'Ere

And so were Hermione and Ron, apparently*.
Awesome place Malham Cove. Got there in the nick of time following a hospital appointment this morning and some (very) dodgy Sat Nav guidance. Couldn't have asked for a better day weather-wise: blues skies, no rain and very little wind. Tuttle Jnr was disappointed there was no waterfall but then so was I on my first visit in '88 on a geography field trip. Nevertheless, we climbed to the top and admired the views, the "clints", rock formations and enjoyed hot chocolate by flask.
And Premier Inn by night.

*apparently Harry and co never set foot on the top in the Deathly Hallows movie. It was filmed separately whilst they were superimposed using the green screen method. Miss the good old days of film making!

More here on Flickr. Enjoy  

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