
Absolutely bloody useless if there is frost on the path.
Downright bloody lethal if there is ice.
Too much nylon and not enough rubber.

Visited the mother-in-law this morning and gave her my sympathy after being led astray by her daughters and granddaughters on Saturday night when they insisted on playing 'Cards Against Humanity'.

Dental checkup ........ Apparently I have a chip on a tooth and have lost some filling (I can't say I have noticed) - so I have to go back in  a couple of weeks to have it fixed.

On the lunchtime walk I thought even the Great Dane that walks through the woods would have problems peeing this high up the tree.
Closer inspection shows it has been hit with something - maybe a chain?

The Cygnet wasn't happy at not being allowed to play games on a tablet - 5 minutes before leaving for French. He tried hiding his face ...... not very successfully.

The 5 minute break in the clouds at tea time gave the nice light on the fluffy clouds that were passing by.

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